Website Translation

Website translation


We translate websites, webpages to English in a short amount of time at a reasonable price.

Website translations are mainly useful for companies who would like to explore new markets with existing domestic products and services and reach new customers, clients from the neighboring countries as well as ones further away.

Why is website translation important?

Website translation is important, because, according to search engine marketing experts, visitors are much more inclined to purchase if they read a website in their native language.

Our company has been active in the fields of translation and interpretation for nearly ten years. Bilingua is the first translation agency in Budapest to offer translations in all the languages of the world, that means we also translate African and Asian languages.

During the course of last year, but especially since Hungary joined the European Union, there has been an increase in demand for translations to the languages of the neighboring countries (Romanian, Slovakian, Serbian, Czech, Slovenian and German). More and more businesses would like to profit from the markets beyond our borders.

If you feel that you have been able to build a well-functioning system here at home, you know your company’s strengths and weaknesses and you know the causes and effects behind it, then there is a good chance that you will be successful abroad as well.

Webshop translations

Apart from translating your webshop we will help you with search engine marketing and SEO so that more people will find your website in less time.

In the following pictures you can see whose websites we have translated so far. We translate websites to English at an affordable price.

Why is a multi-language website a good idea? Or: how others perceive us

We have all seen the little flags on websites which make the website accessible in the given language when you click on them, or in the worst case. nothing happens when you click on them. And sometimes these little flags are missing all together. Why is this important for a company?

Firstly, because to someone looking for high quality service, it shows how seriously we take what we are doing. So, if our webiste is only available in Hungarian, then we have probably never thought of offering our products and services to clients abroad. A multi-language website, however, is a great way to build contacts abroad, open new markets and generate even greater revenue.

English is often thought of the universal language, which most people more or less understand even if they cannot really speak. In Western Europe English is taught to children at an early age and by the time they are twenty years old most people speak some English. So, if you do not know what language you should translate your site to, you cannot really go wrong with English.

Another advantage to a multi-language website is that you can link back to the main page from the foreign language sub-pages, thus, strengthening the webpage. Not to mention the fact that if we had 15 subpages now we will have 30, this means that Google sees a more significant page and will place the page before smaller sites.

The main thing is that an English language website can bring you many new customers by showing the world what you do and what you are good at.

For a price quotation email us a link to your website and we will get back to you shortly.