
Bilingua Fordítóiroda Bt.

Address: 1131 Budapest, Madarász Viktor utca 13/4


Phone: 06 30 / 21 99 300 (call free of charge on VIBER)

Opening Hours: H-P: 8.00-17.00, Sz: 10.00-14.00

Company data

Business registration number: 01-06-787837

Tax number: 24921714-1-41

VAT registration number: HU24921714

Bank data

Account number: 10700505-68458661-51100005, CIB bank

IBAN: HU87 1070 0505 6845 8661 5110 0005


Give us a call now on

+36 30/219 9300

or ask for a free quote in writing, on workdays we will answer your email within 1 hour.

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